26 de março de 2015

gelado de manteiga de amendoim e banana | peanut butter and banana icecream

Não estou numa dieta detox. Estou numa dieta monkey.

I am not on a detox diet. I am on a monkey diet. 


2 gemas / 2 egg yolks
150gr de açúcar / 150gr sugar
480ml de natas / 480ml cream
240ml de leite / 240ml milk
125gr de manteiga de amendoim (eu usei Skippy sem pedaços) / 125gr peanut butter (I've used smooth Skippy)
2 bananas / 2 bananas
sumo de 1 limão / juice of 1 lemon

cones de gelado / icecream cones
chocolate / chocolate
amendoins caramelizados / caramelized peanuts

Misturar o açúcar com as gemas. Ferver o leite com as natas. Verter sobre as gemas. Levar tudo ao lume novamente, mexendo sempre até atingir os 82º. Retirar do lume e adicionar a manteiga de amendoim.
Triturar as bananas com o sumo de limão e juntar ao preparado anterior. Deixar arrefecer e colocar na sorveteira.
Derreter chocolate em banho-maria e mergulhar o topo dos cones. Passar por amendoins caramelizados.

Mix the sugar with the egg yolks. Boil the milk with the cream. Pour over the egg yolks. Bring everything to heat, stirring constantly until it reaches 82 degrees. Remove from heat and add the peanut butter.
Crush the bananas with the lemon juice and add to the previous mixture. Allow to cool and place in the icecream maker.
Melt chocolate in a double boiler and dip the top of the cones. Sprinkle with the caramelized peanuts.

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