Only recently I realized that I had never placed here a recipe for a classic that is in all parties: chocolate mousse.
20cl de leite / 20cl milk
2 gemas / 2 egg yolks
35gr de açúcar / 35gr sugar
250gr de chocolate negro / 250gr dark chocolate
50gr de chocolate de leite / 50gr milk chocolate
250gr de natas batidas / 250gr whipped cream
Levar o leite, gemas e açúcar ao lume mexendo sempre até atingir 85º. Verter sobre o chocolate partido em pedaços. Mexer até que o chocolate esteja completamente derretido. Deixar arrefecer e envolver as natas batidas. Refrigerar por uma hora.
Bring the milk, egg yolks and sugar to heat stirring constantly until it reaches 85. Pour over the chocolate broken into pieces. Stir until chocolate is completely melted. Leave to cool and wrap the whipped cream. Refrigerate for an hour.
Lindas raspas de chocolate!