Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
Chocolate negro e flor-de-sal; Gianduja; Earl Grey e limão; Baunilha e massapão; Framboesa; Trufa de Maracujá.
Dark chocolate and fleur de sel; Gianduja; Earl Grey & Lemon; Vanilla & Marzipan; Raspberry; Passion fruit truflle.
It was my intention to make a collection of chocolates for Easter but time, or lack of it, did not allow. Easter is over but every day is good to eat chocolate.
Bombons de chocolate negro e framboesa / Dark chocolate and raspberry bonbons:
250gr chocolate 60% / 250gr chocolate 60%
100gr de polpa de framboesa / 100gr raspberry pulp
40gr de natas / 40gr cream
400gr chocolate 60% / 400gr chocolate 60%
Ferver a polpa de framboesa com as natas. Verter sobre o chocolate partido em pedaços pequenos. Mexer delicadamente até obter uma mistura cremosa. Colocar numa forma de silicone (deve obter uma altura de 0,8cm). Refigerar durante a noite.
Cortar em quadrados de 2,5 cm de lado. Temperar o chocolate a 32º. Com a ajuda de um garfo, passar os quadrados de ganache pelo chocolate. Colocar sobre uma folha de acetato e deixar solidificar durante 30 minutos a uma temperatura de cerca de 10º.
Boil the raspberry pulp with cream. Pour over chocolate broken into small pieces. Stir gently until the mixture is creamy. Place in a silicon mould (you should have a height of 0.8 cm). Refigerar overnight.
Cut into squares of 2.5 cm side. Temper the chocolate to 32º. With the aid of a fork dip the squares of chocolate ganache. Place on a acetate sheet and allowed to solidify for 30 minutes at a temperature of about 10 °.
Adorei os chocolatinhos e levei comigo a receita, kiss