(serves 50)
9 gemas / 9 egg yolks
250gr de açúcar / 250gr sugar
250gr de manteiga / 250gr butter
400gr de farinha / 400gr flour
100gr de chocolate / 100gr chocolate
3 cs de natas / 3tbsp cream
1cs de manteiga / 1tbsp butter
150gr goiabada / 150gr guava marmelade
Bater a manteiga com o açúcar. Adicionar as gemas e, por fim, a farinha. Formar uma bola com a massa e refrigerar.
Estender a massa com cerca de 3mm de altura. Cortar as bolachas com a forma desejada e colocá-las num tabuleiro forrado a papel vegetal. Levar a forno pré-aquecido a 180º durante cerca de 15 minutos.
Derreter o chocolate em banho-maria. Juntar as natas e envolver a manteiga. Rechear as bolachas com a goiabada e mergulhá-las no chocolate.
Beat butter with sugar. Add the egg yolks and, finally, the flour. Form a ball with the dough and refrigerate.
Roll out the dough to about 3mm thick. Cut the biscuits into the desired shape and place it in a tray lined with parchment paper. Bring to preheated oven at 180 ° for about 15 minutes.
Melt chocolate in a double boiler. Add the cream and involve the butter. Fill the cookies with the guava marmelade and dip them in chocolate.
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