50gr de manteiga / 50gr butter
50gr de farinha / 50gr flour
50gr de açúcar / 50gr sugar
100gr de manteiga / 100gr butter
100gr de açúcar mascavado / brown sugar
370gr de leite condensado (1 lata) / 370gr condensed milk
20cl de natas batidas / 20cl whipped cream
4 bananas / 4 bananas
raspas de chocolate / chocolate shavings
Para o crumble, amassar todos os ingredientes com a ponta dos dedos até formar uma areia grossa. Colocar sobre um tabuleiro forrado a papel vegetal. Levar a forno pré-aquecido a 180º durante cerca de 15 minutos.
Para o fudge, levar o açúcar ao lume com a manteia. Juntar o leite condensado e mexer sempre até engrossar ligeiramente.
Colocar o fudge em taças, colocar a banana em rodelas. Cobrir com as natas batidas e finalizar com o crumble e as raspas de chocolate.
For the crumble, knead all the ingredients with your fingertips until it forms a coarse sand. Place over a tray lined with parchment paper. Bring to preheated oven at 180 ° for about 15 minutes.
For the fudge, bring the sugar and butter to heat. Add the condensed milk and stir constantly until it thickens slightly.
Place the fudge into bowls, put the banana slices. Cover with whipped cream and finish with the crumble and chocolate shavings.
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